29 Sep Beach Flip Postmortem
All good things must come to an end.
It’s almost been a month since Beach Flip aired it’s 8th and final episode of its first season on HGTV. It’s been about a year since our Beach Flip journey began. It’s been the ride of our lives. And now Nick and I are definitely entering in to a bit of HGTV Beach Flip postmortem.
The final episode was a lot of fun to watch.
We knew what was going to happen and, spoiler alert, we’re so excited to finally share with everyone that although Nick and I didn’t take home $50,000, Martha and Alex were the big winners and set to have their space shared on the pages of the October issues of HGTV magazine.
We received sentiment from friends, family, and people we didn’t even know when devoted Beach Flip fans learned we came in third place. But, honestly, Nick and I couldn’t believe how much we ended up catching up with Lucy and Daphney. They barely squeaked by us in percentage points. And we mean the ladies no disrespect by pointing this out, but, if you take what we spent vs. what we earned at the final appraisal value we would have walked away from this flip with the second largest pile of dollar bills. Ever since the kitchen challenge, Nick and I looked up to Lucy and Daphney and respected their decisions and thought processes. To know we gave them a run for their money at the end means we have what it takes. It gave us the confidence we needed to come back to NYC and figure out a game plan to get in to real estate full time.
And how about Mahdi and Melissa?! Can you even believe the transformation their beach house went under after the fix-it challenge? Their living room was an ad straight out of a W Hotel brochure.
Working with them on the final challenge outdoors was so. much. fun. We didn’t have to convince them get on board with us on the exterior paint color. We knew they’d love a bright and vibrant beach house as much as we would!
We also love that they had all the patience with us as we brainstormed how to put our monies together to give our outdoor beach house a wow factor with a joint pergola! It was time to go big or go home. We went big and added big value to our duplex!
Now we’re home in Astoria, NYC. Nick is back at building his real estate and kitchen design businesses. He’s taking handyman jobs when he can. He’s busier than ever but happy to build a career doing what he loves.
Me? I’m desperately trying to find out what my path is. I know I love beautiful and organized spaces. I love NYC. I love engaging audiences and sharing my passions with whomever will listen. I have plans to start a video series you can find right here on our blog called Nooks with Nestrs. I’m going to take you into the homes of New Yorkers and show you how we live. It’s so interesting to me how New Yorkers can live big in such small quarters——and you don’t necessarily need a lot of money to do it. I also plan on getting my interior design certification. There’s nothing I want more than to flip houses full time but in NYC it’s tough to get started. There is a lot to learn. So, as we start a journey towards financial freedom with real estate property management and flips, we will be open and ready for any and all opportunities to create, collaborate, and learn.
As I approach my 33rd birthday, I’m finding more and more of my peers ready for home ownership——or at least wanting to be ready. I want millennials to know it is possible! I want millennials to know beautiful spaces are possible. I’ll do my best to share what I know so that young home owners and home owner hopefuls are equipped with the knowledge they need to take that leap. And if renting sits just fine with you, let’s explore how to make the space you surround yourself with on a daily basis beautiful.
Beach Flip is over but its was just the kick in the butts Nick and I needed to go full speed ahead in the new chapter of our lives. We beat out over 1,000 other hopefuls to show off our skills and passion on a network that prides itself on quality television. We’re thankful and we so hope you enjoyed following us on that journey!
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